We are now offering Covid-19 boosters to our patients. Please call 310-829-7678 to schedule for either Pfizer or Moderna.
Updated “bivalent” boosters have been approved for children five years old and older. Children can receive a booster two months after any previous booster or primary vaccination. The Pfizer bivalent booster is for children ages 5-11, and the Moderna bivalent booster is for children ages 6-17. The updated boosters provide broader protection against newer BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron variants.
All eligible individuals are now allowed to choose a different brand from their original vaccine as a booster.
When getting your booster, you should bring proof of their primary vaccine series, such as the white vaccination card, a photo of the white vaccination card, or a digital record. At many sites, you may be asked to sign an attestation form indicating you meet the criteria to receive the booster if you don’t have proof of vaccination.
You can make an appointment for their booster by using or the County website at and for more information about booster shots. Additionally, many pharmacies and clinics countywide may be accepting appointments through their own systems.
If you need a ride to get your vaccination, you can reach out to the Public Health call center at 1-833-540-0473 and you will be connected to free transportation.
Information about the COVID-19 vaccines, vaccination site map and many other resources can be out found at or